Benefits of fasting, From Intermittent to Five day

Fasting, why and how.

Lets start with what fasting means,

To abstain from all or some kinds of food or drink, especially as a religious observance.

Fasting is done all over the world for many reasons but lets just talk about why.

Many people start fasting by removing calories for a window of time ranging from 12-18 hours. This is called intermittent fasting. This just means you can drink water, certain teas and calorie free beverages from a time window like 6pm-10am. The benefits of conducting this type of fast a few days a week are

  • Digestive break, less bloating

  • Weight and body fat loss

  • Increased fat burning

  • Intermittent Fasting Can Reduce Insulin Resistance, Lowering Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

  • Possibly reversal of type 2 diabetes

  • Possibly improved mental clarity and concentration

  • Possibly increased growth hormone, at least in the short term

  • Reduction of inflammation

    There are so many reasons to start out by fasting intermittently, but many who try this type of fast decide they want more!!! The longer you fast, the more the benefits MULTIPLY! There is something magical that happens when you reach the 24 hour mark. Here are a few

  •  There are beneficial changes in several genes and molecules related to longevity and protection against disease

  • The body induces important cellular repair processes, such as removing waste material from cell that can prevent and reverse diseases

  • Human growth hormone can increase up to 2,000%!!!! This process stimulates fat burning, increases muscle development, increases bone density, Reduces inflammation, Improves immune system and more!!

Many people find once they survive a 24 hour fast they really start gaining freedom over food. When you stop eating and only turn to beverages, you regain your thirst reflex that many people confuse for hunger. This is HUGE! How many of us are a slave to food? After fasting for a day, many people wake up and feel like they can start all over again.

This leads me into why you would want to go longer than 24 hours……

Extended fasts can look very different & many do them to enhance the benefits that I have already mentioned.

Because fasting longer than 24 hours can cause lethargy and or blood sugar problems for many, Valter Longo created a patented fasting mimicking diet. The ProLon Fast gently guides your body into a fasting state to get all the health benefits that come from long fasts while enjoying delicious meals and tasty snacks. This 5 day fast mimics a 5 day water fast and gives your body the vital minerals and vitamins it needs with the similar effect of a water fast!

The benefits of fat burning and cellular repair actual continue for 5 days after this fast and people have been know to drop 10-25 pounds on this fast and continue to lose weight after!

I’m personally doing this fast with a group from my @healingcavelady instagram group April 8th! Feel free to join us! All the work is done for you with this kit and its perfect for those that don’t want too many options or that can’t water fast without getting dizzy or lethargic. YOU GET TO EAT! Each day has a box of snacks, soups and teas. No guessing, all you need to add is water.

This is great for people who have stubborn belly fat and or have autoimmune disease they are trying to reverse. ProLon has a team that can answer any questions to see if the fast is for you and who can not do the fast. I plan on doing this before and after my root canal extractions to help heal and regrow new bone.

Fasting is becoming popular for good reason, from healing to fat loss, there is an simple way for anyone to fasting for health.