5 Ways to Flu Proof your Family

Simple ways to keep you and your family healthy during flu season….

If we all think of the logistics of getting the flu or any virus, it often comes down to keeping your nose and mouth protected. The other thing to consider is our hands.

My first Defense is a good offense! I use a chewable human strain Probiotic That you can chew up right after breakfast when you start the day. This probiotic populates the mouth and provides a defense against anything that comes along. This is one I have used with immune compromised children that has successfully kept them out of the hospital when they typically end up hospitalized after a sniffle. (on sale this week for the show 10% off) CLICK TO ORDER

A great way to keep germs from populating your hands is this amazing Colloidal silver hand cream. This hand cream keeps all of your good bacteria in tact but kills pathogens while keeping your skin hydrated! Most hand sanitizer dries out your hands inviting antibiotic resistant species while putting poison into your body. It also lasts for hours on your hand, it only needs to be reapplied every 4 hours or so. ( Get 25% off with coupon code HCL) CLICK TO ORDER

There are vital nutrients that are needed to support our immune system and sadly we are not getting them from the foods we are the way we should. Real whole food Vitamin C, Zinc & D3 are of the most importance. Many companies create synthetic vitamin packets loaded with synthetic vitamin C is originally derived from GMO corn and processed with chemicals like acetone! GROSS! Organifi Immunity Is made with whole foods gently dehydrated Organic Oranges, acerola cherry, Tumeric, mushooms and ginger. Did I mention its 100% Organic!? You can take a packet a day or a few times a day and just mix it with water. Its a great way to prepare your immune system for whatever gets thrown at it. Get 15% off with coupon code HCL. CLICK TO ORDER

Before bed we need to consider everything we have come in contact with. We know colds and flus start in the nose and mouth. We brush our teeth before bed but we often forget our noses. By simply rinsing our noses before bed, we can catch the viruses and bacterias before they start to breed in the body. I use Xlear Nasal rinse nightly. I also have my children do the same! You can lean over a sink and do a few sprays in each nostril and blow it on out. It kills bacteria and is naturally anti-fungal and anti viral. This is an amazing practice year round and can prevent mold illness as well! CLICK TO ORDER

Last but not least, stay hydrated and sweat whenever possible. Hydration is key to moving toxicity out of the body that can damage our immune system. Infrared saunas create Hypertherapy in the body like a self induced fever. It can kill off pathogens before they start to make trouble. The flu, like other viruses, is often multiplying in the body for 2 weeks before you get symptoms. Imagine killing it off and rinsing it out before it comes to that. I have a membership at a great wellness spot called Restore hyperwellness where I can get an occasional IV for hydration and use a high tech infrared sauna to get that heat needed to kill off pathogens in the body and detox. Use coupon code Healingcavelady15 to get 15% off any service!

As always wash your hands frequently and avoid hand drying sanitizers that can lock in germs.

Please consult your physcican before adding supplements or using a sauna.

Click to order Organifi use coupon HCL for 15% off

Click to order Organifi use coupon HCL for 15% off